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    The Nine Stress Management Tips

    قبلاني جديد
    قبلاني جديد

    عدد الرسائل : 38
    العمر : 38
    الموقع : قبلان - نابلس
    المزاج : عادي
    السٌّمعَة : 0
    تاريخ التسجيل : 05/02/2009

    The Nine Stress Management Tips Empty The Nine Stress Management Tips

    مُساهمة من طرف alanajeh2006 الجمعة فبراير 20, 2009 9:52 am

    1.Know what stresses you most. Not your co-worker, friend, husband, or wife. YOU!! Get your feelings out. Write them out and describe each situation. Share all bad feelings with a friend or in a journal. Before you can conquer your stresses you must know what is stressing you.

    2.Say no. Focus on you own goals, not your spouse's or parents'. You must know yourself, your dreams, and your passions. If asked to chair another group or take on another responsibility, look at your mission statement or goals for the day. If it is does not fit it there say thank you but I just cannot. Saying no is one of the hardest things in life, but will help make you a success in your chosen field.

    3.Learn to relax. Work hard but know when to take time off to be with the family, go to the beach, or read a book. Work all day if you must but when you get home play, watch cartoons, or tell your child a story. This allows stress tension to go away and helps you calm the heart's pace and digest food normally, and protect your immune system. Learn to meditate and take deep breaths to calm down.

    4. Eat healthy. Eat less junk food and more fruit and vegetables for an amazing overall lowering of stress levels. We can actually lower the amount of the bad stress hormone, Cortisol, by taking vitamins. Take those vitamin pills daily.

    5. Keep laughing. Keep a sense of humor. Studies show a good attitude helps lower cancer rates, makes surgery more effective, and keeps a relationship together through hard times.

    6. Ask yourself WHY. Why are you doing this? Write down your wants, needs, goals, hopes, and dreams. Does what you are doing now help you get fulfill any of these things? What is your motivation? The more you understand why you doing what you are doing the less stress you will have. If you cannot come up with a good reason, then stop doing it.

    7. Stay active . Exercise is a great way to relive tension and gives you a great break from exams. A healthy body makes a happy body. Even a three minute jog is helpful at taking your mind off your pressures. You'll come back with an acute focus and renewed energy.

    8. Follow your bliss. Try to know which subjects and type of people you enjoy. Structure your life around activities that you love. Joseph Campbell, a wise philosopher, advises you to follow your bliss. The more you do in life that goes with your own flow, the more passion you'll have for what you do.

    9. Organize and Prioritize. Do the worst and hardest tasks first. Keep a to-do list and calendar with you at all times. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail

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